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Lokalita: Liptovský Ján

Telefón: +421 907 165 495

Adresa: Ulica Pod Senom 419/12 03203 Liptovský Ján, Slovakia

Webové stránky: patriciaslosiar.sk

Nasledovníci: 518


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Abstract art by Patricia 21.09.2021

Hello gyus. I am creating now big thing for you. This paintings right now 550 EUR each. You have great possibility to have your favourite piece for great price. Ahojte. Vytvorila som pre Vas skupinu obrazov, ktore su teraz za uzasnu cenu 550 EUR kazdy.... Mate tak skvelu moznost ziskat vas obraz za super cenu. Tak nevahajte a podte si po ten svoj.

Abstract art by Patricia 19.09.2021

AUKCIA/AUCTION KAŽDÉ Z UVEDENÝCH DIEL JE DNES V AUKCII. VYVOLÁVACIA CENA U KAŽDÉHO JE 350 EUR. Ktoré bude vaše? Kto si vydraží svoj kúsok? /... EVERY PIECE IS IN AUCTION TODAY. STARTING PRICE IS 350 EUR. Which one will be yours? Who will be owner? Have fun and great DAY. /Bavte sa a užite si to.

Abstract art by Patricia 19.09.2021

Práve mi v pošte pristála táto fotka akujem, že na ma myslíte a že ste už boli pozrie výstavu. JARNÝ SALÓN V SYNAGÓGE... V LIPTOVSKOM MIKULÁŠI Srdene všetkých pozývam I have just received this picture in my mail. Thank you my dear friends. Art Exhibition in my home town. Spring Saloon. You are very welcome.

Abstract art by Patricia 18.09.2021

5 minutes with me on Singulart Enjoy this interview 5 minút so mmou na Singularte Užite si toto interview.... Patricia

Abstract art by Patricia 17.09.2021

"Blue Lagun" Acryl on canvas 50x70cm 350 EUR... Amazing place where sand is touching water, you feel Earth with your hand and feel life. You are in place where you can feel yourself, your power and be the person you want to be, to create anazing relationships. You are part of amazing world. This painting is touching your soul to be loved.

Abstract art by Patricia 17.09.2021

Do you want to see how will painting look like on your wall before buying? Write me and we create together your dream space Radi by ste videli ako bude vyzera obraz na vašej stene predtým ako si ho kúpite?... Napíšte mi a vytvoríme vaše vysnívané miesto.